
Showing posts from August, 2021

Dog Vaccinations - How To Choose The Right Animal Hospital

For any new pet owner and the owners of dogs, vaccines are often a matter of some confusion. Which vaccines is the dog supposed to get? What are the vaccines for? Will my dog react badly to them? These are all questions frequently asked. Puppies get some natural immunity from their mother's milk, but that tapers off as they get older. Here's where you and your vet come into the picture. You need to get started with puppy vaccinations when your little guy is about five or six weeks old. Your vet will give him his puppy shots over several weeks, up to about sixteen weeks. After that, booster shots will provide the continued protection your dog needs. Most veterinarians will advise dog owners to give the DHLPP vaccination once their puppies are weaned off their mother's milk. This vaccine covers several fairly common canine conditions: distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza. Depending on the veterinarian and the geographical location, your dog m