5 Tips on How to Travel With Your Pet

Traveling with your pet may seem like an impossible feat, but with proper preparations and careful planning it can become an enjoyable and enriching experience for both of you.

No matter if it's by car or plane, here are a few tips to make the trip fun and hassle free for both yourself and your pet.

1.Meet Your Vet

Before making any trip with your pet, consult with their veterinarian about their health and attitude. They'll be able to advise on the best ways to prepare them for travel - such as getting them used to their carrier by taking short rides in it before your actual vacation begins. Your veterinarian may also provide you with contact information for local vet clinics as well as medications which could alleviate motion sickness, anxiety or any other concerns your pet might be having.

2. Pack All the Essentials

It is essential that you bring along everything your pet will require on its journey - such as leashes, dog beds or blankets, toys and food and water bowls - including plenty of bottled water to avoid overexertion in hot temperatures or any upset stomach issues on the road or flight. For cats traveling alone consider packing their litter box in case hotel rooms don't allow free roam of the room even while leashed up.

3. Be familiar with your airline

 Prior to flying with your pet, it's a good idea to conduct research on the airline you plan to use and familiarize yourself with their rules and regulations regarding pets. Communicating directly with the carrier could also provide useful insight as there may be any additional requirements you need to meet, such as providing them with a carrier that fits within their size/weight restrictions or ensure they have up-to-date vaccinations and microchipping records.

4. Do not allow your pet to hang their head out the window

While it might be cute to watch your pet dangle their head out the window while driving, doing so is actually extremely hazardous for both you and them. Not only could debris strike, but this puts both parties in jeopardy if there's ever an accident requiring sudden stops or turns; as well as risking injury from sudden stops or turns that might force sudden action by you as the driver.

5. Feed Your Pet A Light Meal Before Driving.

A full stomach can only worsen their motion sickness and make for an uncomfortable journey; so it's advisable to feed them a small meal about an hour prior to hitting the road.

Traveling with your pet can be an amazing and enriching experience, but it may not be suitable for every animal. If yours is especially anxious, it would likely be best to leave them at home with someone trusted rather than subjecting them to an anxious journey.



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